A biblical analysis of current events

Hailton L. Aiala

At first we have seen in the last few months, an eventual crisis in the political, economic and health systems around the world. The world we know has been hit by a global pandemic on all continents, caused by the new Coronavirus, and the systems of nations have been shaken. The unpredictability that permeates and surrounds humanity on the question of a possible solution to the chaos is still unknown, but it is already possible to have some glimpses of possible solutions with the tests of new vaccines that are being analyzed.

The Bible is one of the most sacred books of all time with its famous "Infability of the Scriptures", allowing us to access emotional control through faith in its scriptural bases. In the passage from the book of the Gospel of Matthew in chapter 24 and verse 13 he recommends that we can withstand something for a period of time that we cannot rationally measure. In a certain way, in order to project ourselves to what is proposed in this biblical projection, we must analyze the text. Jesus said, "Whoever remains firm until the end will be saved." Here we note that we are directed to the advice of persistence in believing that we can reach the end! The question is what is this end? Or who is that? and we can still rationalize about staying in what?

Answers are the air of curiosity sought by reason and accepted by faith. In the first question the Bible suggests to us that there is an end! This end presupposes the announcement of the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone in the world as it is written in Mt. 24:15; In the second we have that, any person can remain for the end of the purpose that is not to give up their history with their faith in Jesus Christ as proposed by Mt. 24:13; and we have the third question which means that to remain is to be saved!
In order to use this biblical reflection, convenient to the plan of current events, we must rationalize and believe that in these times of darkness and spiritual discomfort, the best proposal for understanding what God's purpose would be for us and the rational research and spiritual contemplation of the Word of God, but this depends on faith !.


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